Let's find out

You have many talents within you, even if right now you are not sure what they are. I’m here to help you uncover your strengths and give you the power to use them for a happier, more purposeful life. Together, we’ll find your superpowers.


Help your child use their natural thought patterns to foster confidence and growth.


Identify your strengths and shape your path to a future that will bring you joy.


Empower your students and staff to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.


I’m Abi Pearce, a certified Strengths Coach who specialises in working with young people. Using Gallup® Clifton Strengths, I help young people recognise their talents and find their own natural route to resilience, confidence, and success.

What is Clifton Strengths?

Clifton Strengths is a strengths assessment test that measures your natural patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. It identifies your unique talents, so you can perform better and feel happier everyday.

“Everybody has a calling. And your real job in life is to figure out as soon as possible what that is, who you were meant to be, and to begin to honour that in the best way possible for yourself”

— Oprah Winfrey —

Seven Days

A blog about cultivating joy.