Frequently Asked Questions

What would you like to know?

About Clifton Strengths

  • My role is to help empower you to make your own choices. Your report is not a prescription to find the right or wrong job for you, but it will provide meaningful insights into how you can shape your current role or feel more confident pursuing a more purposeful one.

  • The assessment regularly undergoes validity and construct reliability testing. Please get in touch for the technical report

  • Absolutely! The more people in your circle who know and understand their own strengths and those of others, the better we understand what makes us tick or ticked off.

  • It’s unlikely that the report is incorrect. You know yourself better than anyone so it’s the easiest test you’ll ever take. We look at your Top 5 or 10 themes as a whole and not necessarily in rank order although you may relate to one theme more than another.

  • A talent is your natural way of thinking, feeling, or behaving. When you spend time investing and developing what feels good and energises you it becomes your ability to deliver consistent, near - perfect performance. That’s a strength.

  • Absolutely not. Knowing your weaknesses just means we can manage them and not spend too much time worrying about them. Gallup describes a weakness as ‘anything that gets in the way of your success’.

  • All themes are neutral and there are no themes that are better or worse than another. They are not labels either – they just help us appreciate the tremendous complexity and diversity that makes us human.

  • Understanding your strengths and skills will help with your application, your personal statement, your interview and how you engage with others. It will help you understand what you bring to your cohort and what you need to succeed.

How it works

  • Please allow a good 30-40 mins. You must take it in one sitting and try and avoid distractions.

  • No, there’s no prep or anything to worry about.

  • I love the opportunity to meet people in real life. Just ask and I’ll do my best to accommodate.

  • I want you to achieve success, whatever that looks and feels like for you, as quickly as possible. If that requires one, six or ten sessions, I’ll be championing you all the way.

  • Yes, you’ll receive it instantly to the email address you sent me. It also gives you a chance to digest it before our meeting.

  • Try not to. You can supervise and help where appropriate and encourage your child to find the answer within themselves.

  • Absolutely, I’ve worked with corporate businesses, women transitioning careers and elite athletes. I love seeing people thrive no matter where they start from.

  • Of course. Strength based teams communicate clearly, have better relationships, inspire each other, think critically, and achieve outcomes faster. Please get in touch via and we can discuss your team’s requirements.

  • You will not need to retake your assessment, however, I’m a believer in long term relationships not coaching programmes. Just book in as and when you need.

Still got a question? No problem.

My passion for helping is genuine. I love watching people thrive.

Seven Days

A blog about cultivating joy.