Throughout your education it’s likely you’ve been taught to work on your weaknesses, focussing energy on things that don’t always come naturally. But being well-rounded doesn't necessarily lead to higher success. You can achieve great things when you get even better at the things you are already great at. Some of these talents you may be well aware of, but others you might be taking for granted because they come so easily and naturally to you. Clifton Strengths for Students is designed to help you understand yourself better, so you can grow confident in who you are and how you can contribute to the world.

What are the benefits?

“I recently had to look for internships for the next academic year, which got me thinking about my future career path and potential industries I would like to work in. The strengths test has helped me to see what I am really good at and has taught me how to focus my energy on areas where I would be best placed and most likely to succeed.”

- Georgie, 2nd year student at Cardiff University -

How it works?

This program uses the world-renowned Clifton Strengths assessment to measure 34 research-validated talent themes. It then guides the development of those talents into strengths and shows you how to identify and manage potential blind spots with resources specially tailored for students.

Step 1


Book your Clifton Strengths for Students online consultation using the calendar link below. Please make sure you leave enough time to complete the assessment before our consultation. On booking you will receive a confirmation email with a link to your Clifton Strengths for Students online assessment.

Step 2


Complete the assessment. There are no wrong or right answers but you will be timed, so don’t overthink your answers. You’ll receive the results immediately via email in a comprehensive, personalised Clifton Strengths report.

Step 3


Once the assessment has been completed, and you have received your results, we can move on to the follow up conversation. During our 60 minute consultation we will review the results together, and discuss how you can use the actionable ideas and other resources.

Step 4


After the formal discussion where we will have identified a clear plan of action for you to take away and implement, I will be available on email for follow up support to answer any questions you may have.

Clifton Strengths for students

Online assesment and 60 minute online consultation with Abi


Got a question?

About Clifton Strengths